World Then v/s Now

Ancient world vs Modern World

In this article we will discuss about the Ancient World and the Modern world it will be a detailed Comparison. We will also discuss about Ancient Technology, how people use to work in those days? What type of vehicle they use for travelling and all other things in details. Be tight and lets begin this journey of Ancient and modern world.

Scientists claimed that people started growing Wheats, Rice in short started farming in 10,000 BCE but in Mohenjo-Daro excavation site researcher have found rice and wheat dating back to 11,000 - 12,000 BCE. People at that those times built drainage system and market system which was way ahead from as compare to other civilizations. They used Bullock carts, Horse and Foots to travel. Mohenjo-Daro civilization lived near Gujrat and Sindh (Present Day India). Rakhigarhi present in Haryana  is the oldest known excavation site ever found and it was the part of Indus Valley Civilization. Harappan people were Vedic Aryans and they belonged to Hinduism. Also it disproves the Aryan Invasion theory.

A new old excavation site was found at Sinauli in Uttar Pradesh (Present day India) in which same horse carts with some cannon was found and 3 Vishnu idols with Shiva Lingam was also found here it is believed that Sinauli was the most eastern front of the Vedic Civilization. This is the main reason why Hinduism is the Oldest Religion in the whole world dating back to 12,000 BCE (known proof). Mayans were also Hindus they were from Central America and Polytheistics.

In this Modern Era people are using literally everything thing that science gifted us. Mobile phone, Internet, Air crafts, Space crafts, Cars, bike, and a million of other things but the base of all these things is Vedic and other ancient scriptures. Like calculations done by Mayans and Babylonians, Greeks, Vedic People plays a significant in development of the modern science basically it is the base of modern science. Algebraic identities by Babylonians and Ancient Indians combined. Today we have Aeroplanes so we can travel faster than ever before.

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