Approval of Covaxin by WHO | World Affairs

Approval to Covaxin by WHO

In this article we will discuss about Covaxin approval by WHO. Why it took so much time? and How does it work? but before that we will tell you some details about Covaxin and its accuracy. So lets get started.

Details of Covaxin

An ineffective vaccine, Covaxin uses traditional technologies similar to an activated polio vaccine. From there, the bacteria are immersed in beta-propiolactone, which activates them by binding their genes, while leaving the rest of the virus cells whole. The resulting strains were then mixed with an aluminum-based adjuvant Alhydroxiquim-II.

The vaccine is produced by the Bharat Biotech field which makes indoor vero cells capable of delivering an estimated 300 million volumes.

In December 2020, Ocugen entered into a partnership with Bharat Biotech to develop and market Covaxin in the US market; in June 2021, the partnership was expanded to include Canada. In the month of January or the starting of the year 2021 India sent doses of Covaxin to the Brazil in the continent of South America. Relations are good between both the countries so this added to more incentives and discount to the Brazil.

Accuracy of Covaxin is 81% against COVID-19 January variant which is quite good also it is available at cheaper rate as compared to other Vaccines. It was developed by Bharat-biotech in collaboration with India Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and National Institute of Virology. 100 million plus doses have administered throughout the world. It seems that taking months for giving approval by WHO to covaxin is not a matter of international politics, for many people but it is not.

Why it took so much time?

It took nearly 10 months for Covaxin to be approved by WHO. It has a deep reason behind it like less data was available for the Institutions to decide whether it is effective or not and Phase 3 trials were left and after all the data was available it was approved by the WHO for use like other vaccines. It has much better accuracy than others so that's why WHO is recommending it for other countries as well. And how does it work we have already explained it. It is basically based on the weak virus system or procedure. Due to insufficient data it was taking time to get approval by WHO.

Phase III results

In November month of 2020, Covaxin received approval for a phase III human trial after the completion of Phase I and II.  A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study among volunteers aged 18 and over, began on November 25 and involved approximately 26,000 volunteers from all 22 sites in India. The level of rejection of the Phase III trials was significantly higher than that of Phase I and Phase II trials. As a result, only 13,000 volunteers were recruited on 22 December and the number increased to 23,000 on 5 January.

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