United Nations Security Council | World Affairs


In this article we will talk about UNSC (United Nations Security Council). What is UNSC? when was it formed? Why was it formed? Work of UNSC? UNSC is a council of countries on different levels there are temporary members as well as permanent members lets find it out in details.

What is UNSC?

At the founding of the UN in 1945, the five permanent members of the Security Council were the Republic of China, the Interim Government of the Republic of France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United States. The Chinese seat was originally held by the National Government of Chiang Kai-shek, the Republic of China. However, the Nationalists were forced to retreat to the island of Taiwan in 1949, during the Chinese Civil War. The Chinese Communist Party came to power in China, from where it came to be known as the People's Republic of China. In 1971, General Assembly Resolution 2758 recognized the People's Republic as a legitimate representative of China to the UN and granted the seat of the Security Council hosted by the Republic of China, which completely expelled UN membership as a separate nation. After the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Russian Federation was recognized as a legal entity following the Soviet Union and maintained its position in the Security Council. In addition, France finally transformed its government into the French Fifth Republic in 1958, under the leadership of Charles de Gaulle. France retained its seat as there was no change in its status or foreign recognition, although much of its overseas assets eventually became independent.

When was it formed?

United Nations Security Council was formed on 24 October, 1945. It has 5 permanent members and 15 non-permanent or temporary members. Temporary members has a term of  3 years and after that they are re-elected by the countries. With permanent seats certain benefits also come. Many countries wanted to be a part of the permanent council but because they are not ready to follow certain set of rules they are not been added in the list.

Work of UNSC?

Main work or agenda of UNSC is to maintain peace and security between/of every country and citizen of this world. This organ of UN has many powers like to put sanctions on countries that are trying to disturb the peace, or they are trying to threaten the countries. They have 6 main principles we will talk about them in the next part.

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